
2017 Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame Inductees Announced

2017 Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame Inductees Announced

BATTLEFORDS, Sask. – The Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame is pleased to announce this year’s list of Hall of Fame inductees. The 2017 inductees are:

  • Players: Bob Bourne, Edward ‘Eddie’ Litzenberger*, Fiona Smith-Bell
  • Builders: Stan Dunn*, Graham Tuer
  • Official: Ken Wheler
  • Grassroots: Northwest Hockey Development Association
  • Teams: 1983-84 Wilkie Outlaws, 2000-01 Lloydminster Border Kings

(*Denotes inductee is deceased)

“There are so many people from our province who have made outstanding contributions to this great game that choosing the inductee class each year is always difficult. With such a rich hockey history in Saskatchewan, we know we once again have a superb class to announce,” stated SHHOF Board of Director Co-Chairs Blair Davidson and Jack Brodsky.

The 2017 induction dinner will be held Saturday July 22nd at the Civic Centre in Battlefords. Details of the event will be officially released next month when tickets for the event will go on sale at the Battlefords North Stars office.

“The Battlefords North Stars are excited to be hosting the 2017 Saskatchewan Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in July and we are honoured to have the inductees in the Battlefords for this special day,” stated Troy Slywka, President of the North Stars and Chair of the host committee. “We plan on making it a great day with a pancake breakfast, road hockey, entertainment, culminating with the induction banquet that evening.”

The announcement of the event and the 2017 SHHOF Class of Inductees took place on Saturday evening at the Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame in Swift Current and as part of the Swift Current Broncos game against the Regina Pats. In addition, the announcement is made annually as part of Cameco Hockey Day in Saskatchewan celebrations taking place across the province.

The Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame is location in Swift Current. For more information, please visit

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